In this episode, I go over the highlights and what I learned from reading The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt.

Teddy Roosevelt graduated from Harvard, served as a New York State Assemblyman, a Civil Service Commissioner, a Police Commisioner in New York City, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York, Vice President, and President of the United States. TR recieved a Nobel Peace Prize for mediating an end to the Russian and Japanese War, he also posthumously recieved the Medal of Honor for his service in the RoughRider regiment during the Spanish-American War, was instrumental in the Panama Canal's construction, explored uncharted territory in the Amazon, hunted all over the world, was a rancher and cowboy in the Dakota Badlands, and was a happily married husband, father, and member of his community. His life was lived to the fullest. In this episode we will learn how he became a "man of destiny".


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