June 24, 2024

75 - Coast Brah - How To Build The Life and Physique You Envision

75 - Coast Brah - How To Build The Life and Physique You Envision

I'm joined today by the vital and soveriegn Coast Brah.

Coast Brah is a vital and sovereign lad who helps men become the same.

This is his second time on the show so go check out episode 14 if you haven’t already.

Today, we discuss his journey from engineer to travelling the world while building an impactful business, the double-edged nature of social media and how to use it for your advantage, how to build good habits and elimate bad ones, how to escape the crab bucket that can be hometown friends, how to stop eating junk food, the power of reprogramming your mind, and more.

It was an honor to have Coast Brah on the show.

Hop on a discovery call with Coast Brah HERE
Connect with Coast Brah on Instagram
Connect with Coast Brah on Twitter

Watch Coast Brah’s first appearance on the show HERE

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