Jan. 11, 2024

054 - Noah Ryan - Bulking Without Getting Fat & Designing Your Life

054 - Noah Ryan - Bulking Without Getting Fat & Designing Your Life

Noah Ryan is the host of the Noah Ryan Podcast, a health enthusiast, and a scientifically literate content creator with a massive following on Twitter.

Noah's first appearance on the podcast was episode 026 - check that one out if you haven't already.

In this conversation, we discuss how to bulk effectively and without getting fat, what most people get wrong about bulking, what peptides are, why the FDA is trying to gate-keep peptides, why proof-of-work is so important, the role and importance of DHT(Dihydrotestosterone), why male hair-loss drugs are tanking vitality, supplements such as taurine, L-carnitine, creatine, tongkat ali, fidogia agrestis, why lifestyle design is the biggest lever you can pull to improve your life, what Noah has learned from traveling and spending time with multiple cultures, and a whole lot more.

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