Sept. 8, 2023

020 - Nick Moccia - Ultra Marathons, Dog Training, and Facing The Darkness

020 - Nick Moccia - Ultra Marathons, Dog Training, and Facing The Darkness

My guest today is Nick Moccia - dog trainer, owner of Full Spectrum Canine, entrepreneur, health enthusiast, and runner.

Nick and I discuss why he has dedicated his life to enhancing the relationship between dogs and their owners, the realities of running an ultra marathon, feeling worthy of praise, pushing another person for an entire marathon, climbing out of ruts in life, feeling God in the middle of a race, the strength in vulnerability, reaching breaking points, bearing the maximum responsibility that we can bear  and a whole lot more.

If you find any value in this conversation, consider sharing the podcast as well as leaving a rating or review. You can also follow along on Instagram, Twitter and subscribe on YouTube at Tyro Nolan. Thank you - I greatly appreciate your support.

In keeping with the tyro spirit, I am still a novice podcaster and forgot to turn on Nick’s mic. You can hear him speak, albeit, faintly. Nick shares remarkable insights and stories that I hope are not detracted. It is very much still worth the listen.

It was an honor to sit down with Nick; I hope y’all enjoy

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